Unusual Survival Supplies You’ll Be Glad You Have

With all the insanity in the world today, you might feel like getting off this planet. Unfortunately, we aren’t able to do this yet, but we should all be prepared for a disaster someday. Peek inside our bug out box to see what unusual survival supplies we have for an emergency – plus a list of things we definitely need to add…

Are you prepared for a disaster? Checklist of Unusual Survival Supplies you'll be glad you have in an your bug out box for an emergency.

Are you prepared for a disaster? Peek inside our bug out box to see what unusual survival supplies we have for an emergency - plus a list of things we definitely need to add. What items would you take with you during the apocalypse? Share on X

Preppers – Practical or Batshit Crazy? 

My husband Brian is an amateur “prepper” and as a natural-born worrier, I fully support this endeavor!

But what is a prepper you ask?

Prep·per: a person who believes a catastrophic disaster or emergency is likely to occur in the future and makes active preparations for it, typically by stockpiling food, ammunition, and other survival supplies. “There’s no agreement among preppers about what disaster is most imminent”

Are Preppers practical or just plain crazy?

Some people think that preppers are crazy lunatics, and of course, there are quite a few that fit that bill.

While my husband is not what I would consider a lunatic (most of the time), I really like the fact that he just wants the family to be ready in the case of an emergency.

Since Brian feels like the world might be coming to an end in the foreseeable future, he has put together what is called a “Bug Out Box”.

A bug out box (or bug out bag) is a container that keeps essential supplies handy that you can just grab and go in the event of an emergency.

Such events include a nuclear war. Or a Zombie apocalypse. Or the Rapture.

But let’s be honest, if the Rapture is real, him and I aren’t going anywhere. And chances are, neither are YOU!

Since I love my husband, and I think it’s a neat idea, I am always on the lookout for items that might be helpful additions to our bug out box.

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The unusual survival supplies in our bug out box…

Since this whole “prepping” business is my husband’s hobby, I honestly had no idea what was inside.

Here’s the video of what I discovered.


Take a closer look!


1. Emergency Blankets

Emergency Thermal Mylar Blankets

Yes, these are the same ones you see on TV where people wrap themselves up in a silver tin foil looking thing to shield themselves from electo-magnetic rays.

But I guess they are actually really handy to have around for emergencies because they can retain up to 99% of your body heat.

Emergency Mylar Blankets are good to have as part of your arsenal!

2. A Big Ass Knife

We have a big ass machete knife in our bug out box!

Ok it’s actually a machete with a saw, but it’s so big, it might as well be a sword.

It would definitely come in handy to chop away brush, or stab a zombie in the head. It comes in a nifty little case too.

The one we have is called Gerber Gator Machete Jr. and it sells for between $30 – $40 on Amazon.

They call this a Jr?! I wonder how big the Senior size is.

3. A Box Full of Bullets

This is our box of bullets

I’m not even going to pretend like I know what kinds of ammunition this is. I find them scary.

We don’t keep an actual gun inside the bug out box because it is too dangerous to have with children living in the home. But my hubby plans to grab it on the way out the door.

4. A Multi-Function Pocket Knife

A multi-function swiss army knife comes in handy

A multi-function swiss army knife is a staple of preppers and young adult males everywhere. Ours even has a spoon and a fork.

I’m not sure where he got his, but you can find this Stainless Steel Multi-function Pocket Knife on Amazon for about $6.

We should probably get two more of these so we aren’t fighting over who gets to eat first.

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5. Folding Shovel with Pick and Compass

Emergency Folding Shovel

I have never seen anything like this before. It’s a really neat little gadget.

The handle has a compass on the end and inside the handle is a box of matches and some razor blades.

The shovel part includes two edges, one to be used as a hatchet, and the other can be used as a saw. There’s even a wrench, a bottle opener, a pick, and a nail remover.

I don’t really know why you would need a nail remover at the end of the world, but a Folding Shovel with Pick and Compass would still be a really cool product to have while we are still in existence.

6. A Bottle Opener

A bottle opener is good to have in the Apocalypse

You probably have one (or many) of these sitting in your kitchen drawer. Because booze.

7. A Magnesium Fire Starting Kit

An all-weather fire starting kit is a must for any bug out bag

Every prepper needs a fire starting kit. Rubbing two sticks together just isn’t practical.

These all-weather magnesium firestarter kits are affordable, easy to use, and you can keep it on your key chain too.

8. Binoculars

For some reason, hubby thinks we need 2 sets of binoculars in our bug out box

We actually have 2 pairs of binoculars in our bug out box. I’m not sure why we really need two, but that’s cool. That means there’s one for each of us.

But why couldn’t he get two of those multi-function swiss army knives instead?

I don’t know where he got ours, but you can get these Bushnell Super High-Powered Surveillance Binoculars for about $50 on Amazon.

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9. A Solar Powered Charger

A solar charging power bank is a must!

Assuming we will get cell phone service, this solar charging power bank is a really useful item to have.

I don’t know what model we have in our box, but I’m really glad there’s one in there.

10. Solar Powered Emergency Radio

This Emergency Solar Weather Radio has everything!

This ambient weather radio is one of Brian’s favorite items.

It is a solar-powered am/fm radio that also has a flashlight and headphones. In case the sun burns out, you can also manually crank it to get it to work. It’s a super cool gadget!

11. SAS Survival Handbook

SAS is the quintessential prepper survival guide!

The SAS Survival Handbook is essential for any prepper. It explains how to find food, create shelter, and so much more. There are many different editions of this book and all of them are best sellers.

Not only is this required for your bug out box, but it’s also a really interesting read. You can get a pocket edition or a digital download too.

12. The Merck Manual

The Hypochondriac handbook…

Oh great. Just what we need to figure out what fatal disease we think we have. A Merck Manual is the Hypochondriac’s Guide to Self Diagnosis.

But this is actually a professional medical reference book used by doctors.

The one we have in our box is a much older edition, but this was one of the biggest surprises I discovered in our bug out box.

I guess it could come in handy, but it is also a little scary to have around. I mean, do you really WANT to find out if you just have a headache or a brain tumor?

But I’ll admit, I kind of like reading about stuff like this. It could also make for interesting entertainment when you have no access to a TV or Internet.

Only problem is, it’s a little heavy. I may need to convince hubby to ditch the book in favor of a digital Kindle download instead.

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13. Mainstay Emergency Food Rations

Emergency bars can sustain you for a few days

Each one of these Mainstay Emergency Food Ration Bars are 400 calories, so one pack should provide enough sustenance for about 2 days.

We tried some of the lemon bars and they were pretty good. They were thick squares with the consistency of a lemon sugar cookie.

But I’ll admit, I felt guilty after eating one because I really could have done without that whopping 400 calories.

They also come in 3600 calorie packs. It’s a great thing to have in your bug out box.

14. MREs (Meals Ready to Eat)

These MREs are kind of gross, but good for an emergency!

Brian got a box of these MRE’s online from a place called The Wornick Company. They have several different packs to choose from.

All we have left is the cherry cobbler because our curiosity got the better of us and we ended up eating the rest a few years ago. I know, we suck.

While I wouldn’t suggest eating them in place of your regular meal, it is a great thing to have in your emergency box.

You can check out the different menu options by visiting The Wornick Company website.

15. Bottles of Different Flavor Salts

The season salts were a surprise!

First of all, I was wondering where my bottle of garlic salt disappeared to. But second, do we really need to have seasonings in our bug out box?

Isn’t finding food a greater concern?

I guess hubby thinks we will need it to spice up our fresh kills of rabbit, fish, locusts, and zombies. Mmm.

Available at your local grocery store or probably already in your pantry.

16. Potable Water Tablets

Water purification tablets are very handy.

These are water purification tablets that make freshwater suitable to drink. You drop a tablet into a bottle of “questionable” water and in about 35 mins, it’s ready to drink.

It is only meant to be used for emergencies and unopened has a shelf life of 4 years.

17. Water Filtration Straw

This water filter straw is neat! Just don’t use it on any toxic puddles.

In addition to the tablets, we also have a portable emergency water filter straw that allows you to convert any freshwater source, like lakes, rivers and streams into safe and drinkable water.

So if you are stuck out in the woods with no water, you can simply dip your straw in the nearest water source and it filters out the harmful bacteria making the water safe to drink!

I would avoid using it in puddles of toxic waste because let’s be honest – that’s what caused the Zombie apocalypse in the first place.

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Other Bug Out Box Ideas – we should probably add…


Something to Wipe Our Asses

Reusable cloth wipes reduce waste while reducing YOUR waste.

Judging from the Coronavirus Pandemic, people seemed to think that toilet paper is an essential item worth hoarding.

Sure it’s a source of comfort. But you guys, it’s not an absolute necessity and takes up a ton of valuable bug out box space.

So in lieu of TP, I would add some reusable cotton washcloths – which could really come in handy when paper products are not an option.

Save the trees!

Collapsible Food Storage Containers

You will be glad you thought of these!

Collapsible food storage containers allow you to serve and store leftover food without sacrificing space.

While you’re at it, throw in a couple of empty Ziploc sandwich bags and save your empty water bottles too!

First Aid Kit

We need to get a First Aid Kit pronto!

A first aid kit is a must for your bug out box. In fact, I don’t know why we don’t have one in there already.

They are pretty affordable and easy to take with you at a moment’s notice. It wouldn’t hurt to get more than one.

Hubby needs to get on the ball!

An Old Pillow Case or Sheet

Old pillowcases or sheets can be used for medical emergencies

Unfortunately, first aid kids come with a limited number of bandaids. So it’s probably a good idea to bring along an old pillowcase, sheet, or fabric that can be cut up to make bandages, slings, or tourniquets.

You probably have some old fabric scraps collecting dust in your house as we speak.

A Waterproof Tarp

Don’t be caught without a tarp!

Waterproof Tarps are super versatile. It can be used as ground cover, tent, or hammock.

Tarps can be used to collect rainwater or to make your own drinking water with condensation.

Here’s where your food storage containers may come in handy. Aren’t you glad you brought them?

Duct Tape

Doesn’t everyone recommend duct tape for an emergency?

Because everyone needs duct tape, right? It’s probably easier than holding things together with vines.

Toiletry Kit

Don’t forget your toiletries!

It’s not hard to create a little hygiene kit with travel size sundries. There are several on the market that come with everything you need.

But in a pinch, you can easily create your own. Just make sure you include a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, razor, and hand sanitizer.

I really need to get to work on this.

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As you can see, we need to add quite a few more things to our bug out box. Once we finish with that, maybe hubby will get started on that underground bunker…

What unusual survival supplies would you add to your bug out box? Leave me a comment and let me know!


  • CA April 25, 2020 at 5:18 pm

    I only have pillowcases and a toiletry kit from your list. Guess, I’m not yet ready for a disaster. But CoViD19 is a lesson on preparedness and contingencies.

  • Nyxinked April 26, 2020 at 4:17 am

    Prepping doesn’t seem that batshit now! When we were running around looking for food supplies, preppers were already well prepared for what was to come.

  • World in Eyes April 26, 2020 at 4:40 am

    This article is so knowledgeable at this time…….. these all emergencies things you must have at this time of lockdown.

  • Krysten (@WeirdGirlBlog) April 26, 2020 at 9:50 am

    Oh my gosh the fire starter! Do you watch Survivor? Hubby and I have decided that we want to learn how to start a fire like on Survivor just in case.

  • Tessa April 26, 2020 at 11:17 am

    Okay – these are super interesting and smart things I would otherwise never thought about! In these times, I think more and more of us are thinking what we would do if something unexpected happened, so this is very timely!

  • WritesandBlogs April 26, 2020 at 2:25 pm

    Very good mention about the things we need to tackle emergencies. I really dont have all and not yet prepared for a disaster. You made me seriously think about it.

  • Matt Taylor April 26, 2020 at 2:33 pm

    I love having survival equipment. Especially a 3 day kit complete with non perishable food. Plus that stuff is just so fun to buy, and you can use a lot of the gear for normal camping trips too.

  • amber April 26, 2020 at 3:03 pm

    Oh it’s almost my husbands birthday, this would be a good list of ideas for gifts.

  • The JOYOUS Living | Influencer (@thejoyousliving) April 26, 2020 at 3:47 pm

    Good job on the list. I remember loving multi-functional knives. As a kid I loved having all those gadgets on my knife. Didn’t you?

  • Nicole Anderson April 26, 2020 at 5:34 pm

    While I don’t consider myself a prepper, it is amazing how many of the things you have highlighted here, that we have on hand when we head out to the great outdoors. A lot of the stuff on your list is so handy when you love spending time out in nature. I guess in case of an emergency, these are all good things to have on hand.

  • littlemisadvencha April 26, 2020 at 6:15 pm

    I have a friend who is very fond of survival topics. He likes to buy things such as these which you posted here and even watch videos on Youtube! Im sure he will love this post. Im going to share this to him.

  • Marie April 26, 2020 at 7:32 pm

    This looks remarkably similar to everything in our camping gear box! It’s a great list.

  • blair villanueva April 26, 2020 at 9:33 pm

    I belong to the country where we have no gun culture, so nope I won’t be crazy in buying guns and bullets. Maybe that camping gear will be my next in the shopping cart.

  • Shruti April 26, 2020 at 11:16 pm

    These are some great tips for things to keep in case a disaster strikes. Now with COVID19 the need to stay ready is more than ever. Thanks for sharing

  • Kristine Nicole Alessandra April 27, 2020 at 4:00 am

    Some items on your list are in our emergency “go bag.” However, I now know that there are still a lot of things I need to keep in stock in case a disaster would strike. Thanks for this article.

  • kidneyfornikki April 27, 2020 at 9:00 am

    I have been preppring for a stay-at-home disaster! I don’t think we have much of a “go” bag. I have one of the big 300 meal barrles and have another one on order. I will ook at some of the other things you have listed!

  • Berlin April 27, 2020 at 9:13 am

    We only have a bunch of basic supplies in our to-go-bags. But if you want to get prepared for the apocalypse, then you need to have everything in this list

  • katrina Kroeplin April 27, 2020 at 1:45 pm

    i think some things are normal and somethings are def crazy. i have seen some crazy posts people have gotten.

  • Gabrielle | From1Girlto1World.com April 27, 2020 at 5:11 pm

    Oh wow these are ALL definitely useful items to have in hand for safety and survival and should invest in. I will save this list but the first one is a bit too much for my taste for a mask haha.

  • Waren Jean Go April 27, 2020 at 5:40 pm

    Wow! I am so impressed of this list. Some of it I didn’t realize I need but who know when apocalypse come we will be needing this truly.

  • siliitatsipayat April 27, 2020 at 7:35 pm

    Upon reading this, I realized we’re not really prepared at home for a disaster. We only have I think 3-4 items in this list.

  • Sudipta Dev April 27, 2020 at 11:49 pm

    I found your post very informative. Calamities can strike anyone, anytime, I realised I have very few items from this list.

  • solrazo.com April 28, 2020 at 6:01 am

    This is very helpful, we prepared for a basic emergency kit and I will try to add some more from this list.

  • yana April 28, 2020 at 7:01 am

    omg I’m not ready for disaster, seems my bag will be empty..haha haha I’m going to store! need to change the situation lol

  • Nilakshi April 28, 2020 at 12:15 pm

    This is a fun list. The day is won’t far away when people will actually be using this post as a checklist.

  • ebonynrobinson April 28, 2020 at 7:32 pm

    I love this post! lol! Especially your opening asking if preppers are batshit crazy! lol! I am an aspiring prepper myself and I sleep better at night knowing I have some of these supplies. Saving your pin to complete my stockpiling list!

  • Ghulam Mohyudin April 28, 2020 at 8:09 pm

    It was perfect the first time. I learn so much from you as well! Keep it up great post.

  • elishaff April 29, 2020 at 7:59 am

    I definitely see the machete as necessary. I don’t think crazy prepping is needed, though, just focusing on the essentials.

  • Peachy A. April 29, 2020 at 12:10 pm

    Wow! Those are awesome survival supplies! I only have that multi-purpose knife..

  • Emman Damian April 30, 2020 at 4:18 am

    Solar power charger and a Multi-Function Pocket Knife are best things to have right now. I hope I have them now.


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