I’m a vain, over 40, Generation X mom who refuses to grow up. But even though I may still act like I’m 5-years-old, my face has other plans. While I’m doing my best to fight off wrinkles, crows feet, marionette lines, sun spots, and sagging, I appear to be losing this battle. And if you’ve completely given up, here are 15 tricks to hide wrinkles instantly without a face lift or fillers.

15 tricks to hide wrinkles instantly without surgery or fillers
1 Wear a big hat and sunglasses

A hat and sunglasses not only hides wrinkles, but also protect against UV rays
It works for celebrities who want to go incognito and also helps protect against damaging UV sun rays.
People will be too busy trying to figure out who you are to even notice your fine lines.
2 Get bangs

Try bangs to cover up those forehead lines.
Bangs are a super easy way to cover up those forehead lines. Plus if you put the rest of your hair up in a bun, you’ll get lift on those sagging cheeks as well!
3 Wear a veil

Wear a veil to hide those fine lines instantly
Veils were big in the 40s – those girls knew what was up.
Now you can be both sexy and mysterious while minimizing the look of those crows feet.
You can find this Veil Derby Hat on Amazon for under $15
4 Face lift stickers

These face lift stickers are supposed to instantly lift your sagging skin
Tighten up that double chin with face tape! I haven’t tried these yet, but I really want to.
Apparently they are very popular in Korea, but you can get this Face Sticker Adhesive Tape for super cheap on Amazon.
5 Instantly Ageless face serum
6 Try this DIY instant facelift band hack
Or not. I don’t really care.
7 Wear a Berqa

A Berqa is a great way to cover your wrinkles. Just make sure your eye makeup is on fleek.
Do people always say you have beautiful eyes?
A Berqa will cover up those laugh lines and still show off your favorite feature.
8 Prepare for the Apocolypse

Now you can hide your wrinkles and protect yourself against deadly gasses.
Who cares about wrinkles when the world is coming to an end?
At least you got your handy gas mask at the ready and no one will even notice those sagging jowels. Yay!
9 Be a monkey for a day…

This face shield is perfect for bike riding, hiding wrinkles, and committing a robbery.
…Or a kitty, or a baby pig. These stretchy face shields not only hide wrinkles instantly, but also protects your face against wind.
Check out all the styles of this stretchy 3D face shield on Amazon. I really want one of these!
10 Say hello to helmet head

Fencing hides your crows feet and is good exercise!
Take up a new sport like hockey, fencing, or football.
Now you’ll have a good excuse to wear a helmet to cover those marionette lines.
11 Put on a happy face

Show off your smile without adding more smile lines.
All those wrinkles are from years of scowling or smiling.
Hide your resting bitch face with this emoji mask and you’ll never have to reveal your true feelings to anyone.
12 Join the circus as a clown

Or think outside of the box and become a mime!
Now the kids won’t have to be terrified of your saggy skin.
They’ll just be terrified of the clown instead.
13 Make that money, honey

Take up a new hobby and hide those jowls at the same time.
Take up a side job as a Bee Keeper and nobody will think twice about you wearing this awesome bee keeper hat or your wrinkles.
Plus honey is supposed to be good for your skin too, right?
14 Be someone’s gimp

This gimp mask will make you and your partner forget all about your droopy eyelids
Worried about your partner looking at your face during sexy time?
Spice things up with this funky mask and you’ll have other things to think about besides your droopy eyelids.
15 Blend in with the furniture

Go incognito with a lampshade over your head.
This can go one of two ways. You will go either go unnoticed or be the life of the party!
Either way, you can hide your wrinkles instantly and just blame it on the alcohol.
So now you have lots of ways to hide your wrinkles instantly without getting a facelift or spending all that money on injections.
And if none of these options is your cup of tea, you can just let nature take its course and grow old gracefully.
** Disclosure: Some products featured were received complimentary in exchange for my honest review, but all opinions are my own. I was not compensated for writing this post, but it does contain affiliate links which means I may be compensated a small amount if you click through and purchase. Full disclosure policy here.**
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