On the outside, I’m a pretty “together” person. Sure, I might be a little goofy, and some people think I’m crazy. But not for the reasons you might think. You see, I actually suffer from a mental illness called Hypochondria or Health Anxiety Disorder. While I haven’t been formally diagnosed, I believe it’s true – I’m a hypochondriac, duh! And right now with this Coronavirus pandemic, my anxiety is going into overdrive. So today I want to share my story because I’m a hypochondriac and I’m not okay.
How my Health Anxiety Disorder started
As a child, I was pretty healthy. But I used to get stomach cramps and suffered from chronic constipation. In fact, I still do.
My earliest memory is my mom taking me to Nathan’s Hot Dogs. I was probably 5 years old.
I couldn’t make a bowel movement and I started screaming, screaming, screaming. It sounded like I was being murdered in the restaurant bathroom!
My mom was so worried and didn’t know what was wrong with me, but I couldn’t really communicate what was happening, only that my stomach hurt.
I just remember that I was making such a scene, we had to leave the restaurant.
The doctors said I need to eat more fiber, drink more water, and that it was probably just stress.

I’ve struggled with health anxiety ever since I was a child.
In 5th grade, somehow I learned about appendicitis. And then I somehow developed an irrational fear about people cutting my stomach open.
I was so consumed with this fear, one day I randomly started crying in class because of my stupid obsessive thoughts.
My teacher took me outside to speak with me privately, and I just felt so foolish telling her.
I told her I was having stomach pains (I don’t remember if I was) and was worried that I might have appendicitis.
She told my mom who said if I was having appendicitis, I would be screaming in pain. I wasn’t sure I believed her, but at least I didn’t die.

I still suffer from tummy issues. Hand photo created by katemangostar – www.freepik.com
Once I was old enough to see a doctor on my own, I was diagnosed with IBS-C. Now I actively manage it with diet and Miralax and I’ve been doing much better.
But to this day, I believe my fears might have been a premonition.
My grandmother and my mom both ended up with stomach cancer. May they rest in peace.
And because it’s genetic, I think it’s only a matter of time before it happens to me.
After turning 40, my health has become an extremely unhealthy preoccupation.
In fact, I’ve become so well-versed about medical conditions, I can probably diagnose YOU.
Is it a brain tumor?
A few years back, I developed a daily chronic migraine headache that lasted for several weeks.
I had vertigo, daily intense pain in the same spot, blurry vision, and slurred speech. I was pretty convinced that I had a brain tumor and it was all I could think about.
After a visit with a neurologist and a scary MRI, it turned out to be a serious sinus infection requiring surgery.

I was really scared that I had a brain tumor. Medical photo created by kjpargeter – www.freepik.com
But after all that, I still have migraines. And vertigo. And blurry vision.
Now often when I drive, I start to feel dizzy and out of sorts which is causing panic attacks and extreme anxiety. It’s becoming a real problem.
My new neurologist said he wants me to see an eye doctor or else I am going to need another MRI.
After consulting Dr. Google, I learned about Binocular Vision Disorder which encompasses all of my symptoms. If you click the link, you’ll see how closely it matches!
So that’s next on my list of disorders. And if it’s not BVD, I’m pretty much out of options other than I must just be nuts.
Everything is cancer
I was a rebellious teen and I became addicted to smoking cigarettes when I was 12.
Back in the 80’s, it was cool – at least I thought it was. I wanted to act older and I wanted to impress my friends who also smoked cigarettes. It was a way to bond.
My mom was a smoker too and I used to steal her cigarette butts out of the ashtray and go outside and smoke them.
Eventually, my mom found out and just decided to let me smoke in the house so I wouldn’t go off sneaking around. I would buy them out of the cigarette machine at the local bowling alley.
We’ll save the story of my mom for another time. Just let it go.

I started smoking young because I thought I was cool. But now I think I’m fucked.
Dad was a smoker too. He started smoking when he was 11 and finally quit in his 60s and he was fine and healthy.
Annnd then he was diagnosed with lung cancer 20 years later when he was 80. He also had severe dementia. He died at 81, but I’m not sure which disease killed him.
I ended up smoking cigarettes for 25 years but I eventually quit in 2013 and I’m concerned that it’s catching up to me now.
Occasionally I get heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and congestion in my lungs.
And while I know these are all signs of anxiety, I am still convinced that I am in the early stages of lung cancer. Every palpitation means I’m closer to death.
Just last month, I went to a cardiologist to check on the heart palpitations. I mean, even if it’s not cancer, it could be something else like COPD or heart disease, right?

If it’s not cancer, maybe I have COPD or heart disease. People photo created by jcomp – www.freepik.com
During the ultrasound of my heart, the guy said that my lungs were in the way.
Of course, I asked him if that was bad and he said that it can happen with people who are smaller (like me) or have issues with their lungs. Great.
So even though I was there to check my heart, I was kind thinking that this might actually expose lung cancer and I was terrified.
Fortunately, the cardiologist said I have a slight murmur (which we need to watch), but my heart looks strong and good.
He said not to worry too much about the palpitations as they are probably caused by dehydration or excessive caffeine.
I definitely feel better now and can at least check that off my list.
But visions of the future fill my head in anticipation of the day I start coughing blood. At that point, I’ll know it’s real and will be too late.
Right now I’m too scared to find out.
Maybe I’m just overreacting
Fortunately, I rarely get sick. I’m not a germaphobe, but I wash my hands often and always keep my distance when others around me are ill.
At the first sign of a cold, I take Airborne or Emergen-C (both of which I swear by) and it either goes away completely or is very mild. I always have some in the house.
And while I don’t have Covid-19 (yet), I’m already sick and festering with worry.

Why aren’t people taking this more seriously?
Yet it seems like most of my friends and family are not in the same headspace as me and I find this incredibly bothersome.
Many of them think it’s a bunch of hype.
Some of them seem more concerned that their favorite stores are closed or their concerts got canceled or they can’t get a haircut.
Other people still call it a hoax. I want to throat punch them.
All I keep thinking is SERIOUSLY?! This is what happened to Italy, and we’re fucking next in the U.S.
I live in AZ and I just KNOW we are very behind in this ass-backward state. They barely started testing people and I am just waiting for the numbers to rise.
In fact, hubby just informed me that there were 2 new cases at the airforce base a few miles away. AWESOME!

The US numbers are rising by the day.
The news says this can go on for months and unfortunately, I don’t see this stopping in the near future.
And since people here don’t seem to care, I’m paranoid that they may open the schools too soon.
What if I have to go back to the office before this all blows over?
When is it really safe to go back to normal?
On top of having health anxiety, there are other serious, valid concerns about how this is affecting the world.
Will the economy ever recover? Will we get laid off? Hell, I still have PTSD from the recession of 2008.
It’s a lot of weight to carry and it’s exhausting. It’s almost overshadowed my cancer fear and I don’t know if this is good or bad.
There’s only so much I can do
I am currently working remotely, but my husband, unfortunately, can’t. To make matters worse, he works at the airport for a company that handles baggage.
Hell, the first person in AZ that died, worked for the freaking airport that he works at! Fuck!

Hubby works at the airport and it freaks me out.
Thankfully he doesn’t handle the luggage, but he still has to use the same doorknobs and pin pads that everyone else is.
He assures me that they wipe everything down and the whole airport smells like bleach. But I feel that unless they wipe it down after every use (they don’t) it’s pointless.
He thinks I’m overreacting, and maybe I am. But it sucks knowing there’s nothing I or he can really do.
While I can control my little bubble, I can’t control his and I’m terrified that he’s going to bring it home.
He is definitely not worried like I am and that is very upsetting to me. I won’t even kiss him on the lips right now because I’m so scared (this is me controlling my bubble).

I can only remember to clean so much! Hand photo created by freepik – www.freepik.com
I go around the house and spray disinfectant on the doorknobs and light switches. But I’m not sure that’s enough.
I still have to go to the store too, but I make sure to rock the latex gloves – because pin pads!
Then I realize I forgot to wipe down my cell phone that I touched with those germ-infested gloves and have touched several times over since I’ve been home.
Now I’m probably doomed.
Because it has a 1-2 week incubation period, I feel like every time one of us leaves the house the timer starts.
But since my hubby leaves the house almost daily, the timer never stops.
It doesn’t help that he insists on texting me the latest Coronavirus statistics every hour.
A hypochondriac and the Coronavirus crisis
For some reason, I can deal with the statistics, but I can’t handle articles about the stages of the sickness itself.
I’ve read way too many already, so I know the symptoms, but each new article just intensifies my fear. It makes me want to cry.

I’m worried about my family getting sick. Medical photo created by prostooleh – www.freepik.com
I’m constantly checking everyone’s forehead for fever (including mine like every hour). If it feels even the slightest bit warm, a wave of panic vertigo kicks in.
Every time I or my family coughs, my mind races. Was that a dry cough or a wet cough? Do I have a fever?
I’ve been having a lot of back pain recently. Is it a sign of body aches, lung cancer, or does my mattress just suck?
I’ve had a headache a few times this week – not unusual for me. But supposedly Ibuprofen exacerbates Covid-19 and can make it go downhill fast. So I have to stick with crappy Tylenol in the meantime.
Anytime my family has a physical complaint, my heart races. In fact, just now, my energetic 9-year-old son just told me he’s very tired at 1 pm and I’m freaking out a little bit.
I just checked his head and he seems fine.

Is it Covid-19 or just anxiety?
My kid is aware of the Coronavirus, but thankfully he is not preoccupied with it.
He also deals with anxiety, so I am not letting him see my fear. Though, he is getting annoyed at how often I’m checking his forehead.
When my friends post that they are feeling symptoms, I immediately think they have it and check on their posts daily to see their progress.
If they don’t post updates, I will flat out ask them how they are doing. I’m probably annoying them, but I’m just concerned about their well being!
How I manage Illness Anxiety
This is my secret and it’s awfully lonely.
I don’t talk about it with anyone except for a few close friends and my husband. He encourages me to see a doctor if I’m concerned, but he also thinks I’m a little crazy.

Illness anxiety disorder can make you feel very lonely.
When I have a physical issue that is affecting my daily life, I go see a specialist.
However, unlike many “typical” hypochondriacs, I mostly believe the doc when they tell me it’s nothing to worry about and it definitely alleviates my fears.
The rest of the time, I just try to keep myself distracted with work or by watching TV.
But the second I have a physical symptom, my stomach knots up and the panic starts seeping in.
On the outside, I always wear my game face and get shit done.
On the inside, every day is a struggle right now and the only true escape for me is sleep.
Every night I go to bed hoping to live to see tomorrow.
Now the secret is out. But I don’t care.
Because I’m a hypochondriac and I’m not okay.
Yes I need a haircut and so does the dog, and our son.
Im sorry you have to go through this, but even though your health fails you, you are still strong for choosing to move forward. 🙂 this is the first time I hear about hypochondriac, and I am sorry for this. But, please keep on fighting. 🙂
I’m so sorry you feel this way my dear. Although I do not get any where near this level the hubby does. Pretty much to the T… politics… work drama all create anxiety for him as well. So yes he is freaking out right now and because of his job he’s on the frontline. His first day back after being off for a few days during the world going to poop he had a meltdown and called me. The guys watching Fox News didn’t help. 😬 Though my concerns for the virus are not like that they are there because my parents ( now 80 and 90 live with us). So I too go around and check everyone’s temperature. My downfall? I’m a news junkie… and when there’s a catastrophe it’s worse. I have to remember to scale it back when the hubby is home because of his anxiety.
You are not alone… breathe. Have you tried that Calm app? I heard it works great and told the hubby about it. Sending positive vibes to you all and air hugs. ❤️
Thank you for your kind words. It helps to know I’m not alone in feeling this way.
I am not a doctor. But maybe you can try some breathing techniques or yoga to calm your nerves. Yoga helped us alot. Try find your own thing.
Melanie! I didn’t realize it preoccupied you THIS much … you are damn right about your game face! You can text me anytime about your worries—you may be a hypochondriac but you aren’t the only one worried about the virus! I was thinking of making homemade masks, to be quite honest…
I’m sad to hear about your tummy problems; as a child, that can be so scary if it isn’t handled well and definitely sets the stage for future worries. I was a little older (6 or 7?) when I started attending computer class and I became TERRIFIED of the computer. I cried in class every time we went because I was afraid I would break it and get in trouble. My mom had to attend class with me for some time until I stopped breaking down in class. After that, I was okay, but I needed a TON of reassurance (and still do about things that make me anxious). You aren’t alone, and I’m here for you!
Thanks, girlfriend. BTW YOU are one of those close friends I was talking about. I am so glad you are in my life.
I’m a bit of a hypochondriac myself. I get worried of every small thing that happens. Scary times.
This is a tough time to deal with for you, isn’t it? I worry right now because I am a transplant patient and my 81-yo dad with chronic health complaints lives with us. Some of his doctor’s appointments we can’t skip (and I have canceled the ones we could) so I worry. I get it.
Yikes! You have a lot on your plate too. I’m sorry for you as well. This sucks.
That’s horrible, I’m so sorry you have to deal with this right now! Just know that we’re all here in this together and we’re here for you when you need us. Big virtual hugs.
i spray Lysol all over the house too. You’re not the only one. I have a rare lung disease that’s had me in the hospital for weeks on end so i am nervous too.
Omg. That sucks. You definitely have reason to be concerned.
Thank you for your candour – I do hope that you’re engaging in self-care during this anxiety inducing time.
You arent the only one worried about this virus, its scaring a lot of people. Im pretty nervous about this thing too
I’m sorry for what you going through mental health is very serious issue I’ve been through that before. I hope you and your child will be okay soon send my prayers for you!
Oh my, do take care. Keep fighting. Touching read.
It’s hard to control physical and mental issues at times. Wish u recover soon.
Oh I also have people around me suffered some anxiety and this is how the coronavirus get to us, not only on a physical level, but psychological level. We all have take care and stay strong – Knycx Journeying
I can’t even begin to imagine what you are going through. I hope that there are things to help calm the anxiety.
I can only imagine just how badly this is affecting you and what must be playing on your mind. I feel everyone should make sure to look after their mental health as much as their physical health during this outbreak, rather than forgetting it
My bestie is a hypochondriac too. I know how worse it can be. Please take care during this pandemic.
Thanks for sharing! I am sure it took a lot of courage to publish this post. I truly applaud your bravery and honesty.
i imagine it would be hard living with that at a time like this. stay strong and call for help when you need it.
It’s amazing how complicated our bodies, and even more so our minds! I wish you the best through these tough times, stay strong!
Well thanks for your honesty here, I can relate to a lot of this!
I needed this article today, my hypochondria is full on crazy. I’ve had a sore throat for three days…I’m old and have asthma, so I’m already visualizing myself dying alone in a hospital. The throat issue is probably my spring allergies, but I’m taking my temp constantly looking for a fever. It’s exhausting being like this.
Thank you for your comment. I’m in the exact same boat. I had a sore throat for the past 24 hours too and this week’s latest development is shortness of breath. I’ve been checking my pulse oxygen level and it’s fine so I know I’m just being crazy. But you’re right. The physiological symptoms are truly exhausting and depressing. My husband keeps telling me to “pull it together” but I really don’t know how. I appreciate hearing from you and please feel free to vent all you like so we can commiserate together. LOL!
I experience the same anxieties, I guess most people are these days. What really gives me strength is seeing people in our community who are so strong emotionally, they are just so inspiring to look at.
Good to know that works too! I learn so much from you as well! Keep it up great post.
Thank you for sharing. It’s nice to know you’re not alone.