3 Things Mattress Companies Don’t Want You To Know

I recently bought a new mattress for myself and my husband. But as we all know, mattresses can be a little pricey. So before I made such an expensive and important purchase, I knew I needed to do my homework. Through my research, I learned some very valuable information. So if you are planning to buy a mattress in the near future, here are 3 things mattress companies don’t want you to know.

3 things mattress companies don't want you to know (buying guide) width=

We spend 1/3 of our life in bed so buying a mattress is a huge decision. But there's no need to lose sleep over it. Before you step foot inside a mattress store, read about 3 things that mattress stores don't want you to know. Share on X

It’s just a mattress, right?

Some people think that buying a mattress is no big deal. But did you know that the average person spends 1/3 of their entire lives in bed? And that’s just to sleep!

As for other things…well, you can figure that out.


Therefore, buying a mattress is an important decision if you want to get a perfect night’s rest.

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Things to consider when buying a mattress

I went to several stores and checked out some excellent models. Several of them were soft and comfy, made of memory foam, and felt like heaven.

But I didn’t want to rush my decision before shelling out big bucks, so I decided to shop around a little bit and see what online stores are offering.

And that’s when my “problem” began. I literally got lost in a sea of information, websites, materials, and reviews.

Mattress shopping is so confusing!

“This one’s good, that one sucks, don’t invest your money in this one, etc.” – blah blah blah.

I mean, I assumed that I should simply lie on the mattress and see if it’s comfortable or not. And of course, whether its price works for my budget, right?

Honestly, I didn’t know that I’d have headaches just because I wanted to buy a new bed.

And to top it off, you must be careful about warranties, certificates, materials, if it provides coolness, how long will it last… OMG. Shoot me!

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The 3 things mattress companies don’t want you to know

Remember when mattresses looked like this?

Here is what I’ve learned in my detailed search at TopMattress.com:

1.  Investing in some fancy big brand does not guarantee you quality. Sad but true!

I know most people would rather spend their money at a mattress store just because they have incredible marketing and commercials and know how to attract clients; but it doesn’t mean they use the best materials – at least not the best materials for the price they have on their products.

And guess what? No mattress store wants you to know this.

Of course, they will tell you that the foam they used was made with no chemicals, or that it was made to last for twenty years, but don’t fall for this. Be very careful!

2.  The companies love (and I mean, adore) when they work with a clueless client.

It means they can literally sell you just anything. Cha-ching!

If you go there and say “I want a soft bed”, they will bombard you with at least ten (expensive) models, telling you how each of them will provide you with this or that.

Be knowledgeable when you buy your bed!

Know what bed works for your sleeping position. Point out that you need a mattress that will support your height and weight, its size, have the right measurements, cool sleep… everything.

3.  Testing the bed once in the store is not enough time for you to know whether it’s good for you or not.

Heck, I’ve bought shoes that I found uncomfortable and ugly when I got home. Can we say buyer’s remorse?

So one brief test at a store isn’t enough time to help you decide if a mattress is good for you.

The companies don’t want you to know that you actually need a month or so to test the mattress and check its good and bad sides.

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So what should you do before buying a mattress?

Make sure to do your homework before shopping for a mattress. This Puffy mattress looks amazing!

Make sure to do your homework before shopping for a mattress.

  • Make sure you gather enough info about what you want and need before buying a bed.
  • Focus on online stores before you search for your next bed.
  • Check out reviews of popular mattresses. Remember – brutally honest reviews will tell you more about the bed than your seller.
  • Find a mattress seller that offers a “try before you buy” policy. There are lots of companies out there who will let you try out a mattress for 30 days before you decide. Just make sure you use a mattress protector, keep all packaging, and read the fine print.

By doing my research and reading the reviews before spending that dough, I ended up finding a great mattress for myself and my husband ONLINE!

So whether you are planning to shop for a mattress online or in a store, make sure you remember the 3 things mattress companies don’t want you to know.

What type of mattress do you have and how do you like it? Leave me a comment and let me know!


  • Ambuj Saxena August 15, 2020 at 10:31 pm

    This is a rather bold blog post that dwells on the mattress industry! I love your style of writing and the facts mentioned

  • Mae Loureto August 16, 2020 at 4:19 am

    These are great tips! I don’t know how many times I went to see the mattress before I finally bought it, luckily I’m still happy with it until now!

  • Renata Feyen August 16, 2020 at 5:39 am

    I asked advice at my physical therapist to know what matress would be best for me and I have had it for a few years now and am pretty happy with it 🙂

  • Kevin Brotac August 16, 2020 at 2:33 pm

    Great advice. I never give too much importance to buying a bed, but you are totally right. You need a good one to avoid ending up with back pain or bad nights just to save a few bucks .

  • chei August 17, 2020 at 2:28 am

    Wow! These are awesome tips! I will buy new mattress by next year. Thanks for sharing.

  • delhifundos2014 August 17, 2020 at 3:23 am

    Thanks for sharing this informative tips. I am looking for mattress for my bedroom and yes it is very difficult to decide in one go whether the mattress quality is good or not.

  • tweenselmom August 17, 2020 at 6:10 am

    Thank you for your tips! Buying a mattress definitely is a bit of a stressful decision on what to buy.

  • Lyosha Varezhkina August 17, 2020 at 8:10 am

    I have spent tons of time looking for a proper mattress for myself and it’s never easy. your post is super useful

  • World In Eyes August 17, 2020 at 9:00 am

    this blog post is really very informative and useful..these facts sounds so interesting one..glad you shared these vlauable informations with us..great work though..

  • Emman Damian August 17, 2020 at 9:18 am

    I really agree that investing in some fancy big brand does not guarantee you quality. It’s just usually the material or brand. I would definitely go for durability and comfort over price.

  • THE JOYOUS LIVING entertainment + disabled blogger (@thejoyousliving) August 17, 2020 at 10:46 am

    mattress shopping seems like such a tough experience. i have had to buy 2 mattresses and never even thought of looking online. but you’re right about #3. testing the bed in the store is not enough because i hated a mattress once even though i liked it in the store.

  • Rosey August 17, 2020 at 8:02 pm

    This is important. We ordered online, based on reviews and name brand. Now I have a mattress that was deemed ‘medium’ that is VERY soft. Not a good night’s sleep. And we are stuck with it.

  • rachel August 17, 2020 at 8:19 pm

    This is SO important! We did so much research before buying our last mattress!

  • Marie August 17, 2020 at 8:59 pm

    I actually knew these three things…and they apply to lots of other products too!!!! I am careful to read reviews because it isn’t possible to know if it is a good purchase after just a few minutes in the store. And I know this isn’t the point of your article, but that over the bed table is amazing!!!!

  • blair villanueva August 17, 2020 at 9:30 pm

    When we shop for our mattress, me and my Dada always make sure that the mattress that we will get is something that will make us happy, comfortable and feeling luxurious. Since a mattress is considered an investment, best to choose something that you can enjoy for the next 20yrs!

  • Monidipa August 17, 2020 at 11:08 pm

    buying a matress is a hard decision though I like your buying tips here. Will save this…

  • Monidipa August 17, 2020 at 11:10 pm

    Buying matress is really hard for me. Your tips are really good. I’m saving it!

  • Czardilyn Buyawe August 18, 2020 at 2:48 am

    These tips are very helpful. Before buying a mattress or something always check for review or feedbacks. 🙂

  • Lily August 18, 2020 at 3:59 am

    This was very helpful. I like the concept we need 30 days before we know if we want the bed. Try before you buy policy should be used more.

  • CyberFlash August 18, 2020 at 4:02 am

    They really should let us take a full nap in the store, room service included B)

  • Kimberly Caines August 18, 2020 at 8:58 am

    I love a good mattress too, to have a great ad better sleep coz’ nap time is very important for us.

  • Sushmita Malakar August 18, 2020 at 10:52 am

    A bad night’s sleep can actually meddle with your whole day’s productivity. I agree that a lot of research must be put in before buying a mattress. Great post with some great advices.

  • Kathy Kenny Ngo August 18, 2020 at 10:54 am

    I’ve never had to buy a mattress but I will definitely keep this in mind.

  • My Kitchen August 18, 2020 at 1:44 pm

    This is the first time I am coming across a blog post that is talking about mattresses but I agree with all your points that mattress sellers don’t always tell the truth.

  • Arun dahiya August 20, 2020 at 10:23 am

    I am glad that I came across your blog. I have been planning to buy a mattress for my bed. I am going to use all these pointers.


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