To Be a Man for a Day…
I have often wondered what it would be like to be a man for a day. Don’t get me wrong, I love being a woman. But being a woman comes with certain challenges and often times it just seems like men have it so much easier. Don’t believe me? Here is why I think it would be so cool to be a man for a day…
If you were a man for a day you could:
1. Grow out your body and facial hair.
Hairy armpits, legs, and face come with the territory. Say goodbye to tweezing, waxing, or shaving. Who thought that was a good idea anyway?

But seriously, enough with the beards.
2. Make 20 something more cents on the dollar for doing the same job.
And with enough green, you could grow old, fat, and bald and still nab a hot chick.

I bet this guy gets all the ladies…
3. Lose 10lbs in a week.
And if you do get fat? Just stop drinking soda for 3 days. Poof! All gone.
Everyone knows that men lose weight so much quicker than women.
I can diet and exercise until I’m blue in the face for weeks only to get discouraged when I see that I actually gained 2 lbs. WTH?

All this work just to gain 2 lbs!
4. Pack lightly.
Going on a trip? All you need is a backpack and you’re set.
Makes flying super easy and you don’t even need to check your luggage.
When I have to go on a trip – even for as little as 48 hours, I need at least two suitcases just for my makeup.

A shirt, a watch, and booze. Yep, looks about right.
5. Start snoring the minute your head hits the pillow.
Or the couch. Or the floor.
I swear men can sleep anywhere at any time.
I would give anything to be able to turn off my brain when I go to bed.

Men can sleep anywhere. If this was me, I’d be freaking about the bugs in the grass.
6. Get ready in 10 minutes.
Think of how much time you could save!
I don’t even wear that much makeup, but it still takes me 30 mins to shower, another hour to dry and style my hair, and then another 20 mins to do my makeup. That’s almost 2 hours, people!
And I haven’t even begun to look for something to wear…

Even after 2 hours getting ready, I still don’t look as cute as this. Pffftt!
7. Always have something to wear.
Men only really need like 10 articles of clothing. As long as they have clean socks and underwear for every day of the week, they’re set.
But if you are anything like me you probably have a closet full of clothes and still can’t find anything to wear.
Not only is my closet full, but I also take up 3/4 of the dresser I share with my husband.
Meh. He doesn’t need that much space anyway.

So many clothes and nothing to wear.
8. Have lots of friends and no drama.
Let’s be honest. Women are competitive and often catty. We all know a woman who just loves to gossip and talk smack about their friends.
Maybe you are guilty of that yourself. We are emotional beings and we love drama. If we are not getting that exhilaration in our personal lives, we can fulfill that need with reality TV.
But men? They can just sit there and watch a game and drink beer. Except for the occasional cursing and shouting at the guy who just fumbled, there is no other conversation necessary.
No drama. Must be nice…

Wonder who they’re talking about
9. Spend less than $15 for a haircut.
Women have to spend on average $60-$200 for our hair. And even after all that dying and styling, it is still so hard to keep it healthy.
And for those men who like to wear their hair long? It’s always gorgeous, healthy, and shiny. Because they don’t ever need to do anything to it! And it’s not fair.

Men’s haircuts are so cheap!
10. Never wait in line for the bathroom.
Or even use a bathroom for that matter.
They can just whip it out and go wherever and whenever they need to. When we women are at a concert, club, or amusement park, the line is always half a mile long. And when you REALLY have to go, this really sucks.

This is just the line for the bathroom!
Pee standing up?
Well guess what? Now we can. And let me tell you about a crazy product I recently tried that can allow you to see what it is like to be a man for a day! Well, at least just the peeing part.
It’s called P-Thing and it is a female urination device that lets you pee standing up! I just couldn’t resist the opportunity to test this out for myself and here are my results.

P-Thing allows women to pee standing up!
My husband is always giving me grief when we go on road trips because I have to use the bathroom like every 30 mins. I can’t help the fact that my bladder is the size of a pea!
But it does cause me a lot of undue stress. And when I feel the urge coming on, every bump in the road makes it that much worse.
I swear I have stopped at every rest stop between AZ to CA to NV and also some really seedy gas stations and restaurants. And because I know how crappy some of these rest stops are, I usually try to hold it until we can make it to the next one.
Can I really hold it for the next 40 miles? Um…40 miles can take a REALLY long time. And sometimes the answer is no.
I have actually had to find a bush to squat behind on the side of the road because I couldn’t last that long. That is SO not fun!
Especially when your stream has a mind of its own and wants to go in different directions and ends up on your shoes, your pants, etc., and then you have to worry about getting stung by scorpions or snakes or other nasty things that live in that desert brush.
Also, it’s embarrassing! What if the cars on the side of the road are blinded by your shiny hiney?
It is times like this when I have wished that I could have a ding-dong, so that I could just unzip and go anywhere anytime.
A Female Urination Device? Really?

Female Urination Device can let you see what it’s like to be a man for a day!
This product is very interesting. It comes in a long thin plastic bag and the item itself is a very flexible blue rubber funnel kind of thing. It is extremely soft and squishy. The instructions say to practice in the bathtub, but I didn’t feel like getting completely undressed to try it out.
This is how my first experience went:
I was wearing jeans that day, so I pulled down my pants, put the cup under my hoo-ha and let ‘er rip. I did not realize just how flexible the cup was and it actually spilled all over the place and I got my pants and my hands wet. Yikes! That was stupid.
But I’m not a quitter, so on my next go, I actually took my pants all the way off and tried again, this time carefully positioning the cup to make sure it would not spill everywhere. But it did work and everything made it safely into the toilet.
Since it goes down the funnel, there is a slight delay between the time you are going and the time that it lands in the toilet. Keep that in mind when you are removing the cup!
You want to make sure all of the contents are empty before removing it or else you might wind up with wet pants.
A few issues I have with using a product like this is that you still have to wipe when you are done. You can’t just shake and dry as the boys do.
And second, you will still need to wash it after you use it. So if you are not anywhere near running water, the thing will have pee on it until the next time you can wash it. Definitely save the plastic bag that it comes in.
Overall, it is such a strange feeling, but also very liberating!
Will it replace my usual bathroom habits? No.
Plus how weird would it look in public to have other women see your feet pointed towards the bowl under the stall. But I think this is a great idea to have a device like this in a pinch and perfect for long road trips. I’m going to keep it stashed in my glove box for an emergency.
You can find similar Female Urination Devices on Amazon for super cheap!
I Still Love Being a Woman
While there are a lot of really cool things I could do if I were a man for a day, I would never want to give up being a woman. Women get away with so much!
We can easily score free drinks, get out of tickets, live longer, wear the best clothes, blame things on our period, and have a higher pain tolerance.
But that is also why women are only ones who can bear children. Seriously, even men aren’t “man enough” to handle that and that’s okay.
Well now that is interesting. Being a man for a day could be interesting so as to see things from a different perspective but as far as the urination device I am a no on that.
You know what drives me nuts? I have a very short pixie cut, yet I still pay the price of a woman’s haircut. So rude!
Its actually fun to be a man for a day! very interesting article thanks for sharing!
haha, what a fun blog post – I do see that there are some advantages to being a man, but also wouldn’t want to change 🙂
This post is really funny but I do have to agree with you on all of these.
I always say to my husband he has it so much easier. Goes to work and comes home without worrying about anything else. This post made me giggle.
Well, that might be the most interesting thing I’ve ever seen. I think it would make places without toilets like campgrounds much easier.
HAHA 😂 This is one of the funniest thing I have seen so far on the internet, well I know some ladies that wouldn’t mind being a man forever.
that funnel looks weird LOL, I agree with most of your points which includes toilet queue and haircut.
and i must say This article was narrated in a fun way 🙂
This made me laugh. Being a man is the complete opposite of being a woman. lol
These is hilarious! I wouldn’t trade my life to be a man LOL!
I think associating girls with drama is pretty misogynistic pov. I agree with other points except this one.
So would you rather a man after summarizing all these? But I do think there are so much more to take care of, and I am sure if sometimes women enjoy dressing up and being pretty – Knycx Journeying
Haha these are too funny! Needed a laugh!
I don’t know about the drama part. Men seem as prone to it as women, or at least that’s true from what I’ve seen, lol
I think that would be a fun experience for you. It’s letting yourself experience someone in another shoes. So nice and funny!
now this really damn sounds very interesting to do…like being a man for a day well this is not that much easy though…indeed glad you shared these facts with us too…
Sometimes, even I wonder if I could be man for a day, yes these are the reasons, exact ones why I would love too!
Your post made me ponder, but concluded nah I am fine being a girl but good writing for sure 🙂