7 Thoughtless Gifts Nobody Really Wants for Christmas

Boring & Thoughtless Gifts Nobody Really Wants

Have you ever had to buy a present for someone but have no idea what they like? Whether you are just truly clueless, lazy, or simply passive-aggressive, there’s nothing like a generic gift to show someone how little you care. So before you head to your nearest drug store or gas station on Christmas Eve, here is a handy list of 7 thoughtless gifts that nobody REALLY wants.

Before you do your holiday shopping, read this first! Don't say we didn't warn you.

Before you do your holiday shopping, check out this list of the 7 most boring & thoughtless gifts. Don't screw it up (again) this year! Share on X

1. Candles

Candles are #1 on the list of most thoughtless gifts. Sure they look cute and smell nice. They are even functional in the event of a power outage.

Everyone loves candles, right? Meh. They certainly don’t require much thought – which makes them the perfect gift for someone who you only slightly care to impress.

If you know someone who really loves candles, they will probably just go out and buy them for themselves in a scent that they prefer.

Candles are the most thoughtless gift you can buy for someone you only slightly want to impress

Everyone loves candles right? That’s just what they want you to believe.

If you really don’t like someone, get them this Fart candle! I’m sure they’ll love it.

2. Food

Why is this a crappy, thoughtless gift? Because food! That’s why.

Do you know anyone who puts summer sausage and crackers at the top of their wish list? Ok, maybe Grandpa. And he really shouldn’t be eating this.

Nothing shows how much you love them more than a box filled with preserved meat, stale crackers, and cheese that never expires. Yum!

But this type of gift is still quite popular and at least it keeps Hickory Farms in business. Wait – ARE they still in business?

Show them how much you care by getting them super salty meat and cheese.

Why not throw in some stinky fish too? Mmm. Fresh…

Read This:  Unique Gifts for Dad Under $40

3. Candy and Chocolate

It’s the holidays and we are still regretting all that pumpkin pie and egg nog. So here, have a box of candy!

Ok, candy is delectable, but not when you are still trying to lose those 10 pounds (or more) you just gained this winter.

Not only is this one of the most thoughtless gifts, but it’s also cruel and you are just plain mean.

Candy is a thoughtless boring gift

Godiva chocolate? (Nom, nom, nom) Do you hate me or something?

4. Mugs

Mugs might be fine for your kid’s teacher or your boss. But they probably already have a hundred of these that they never use, taking up space in their cupboards.

Who do you know really wants a mug as a present? No one!

If you really feel the need to buy someone a mug, why not do them one better?

Get them a mug filled with chocolate.  Heartless!

Just what I needed – another mug. And MORE candy?! You bastard!

Read This:  Gifts for Goths (and the Morbidly Inclined)

5. Tea

While we are on the subject of mugs, tea is another boring, thoughtless gift.

It might sound classy and even come in a pretty package, but make sure the person you are buying this for actually likes tea.

This tea sampler comes in a pretty box. But it’s such a generic gift. Yawn.

6. Bath Products

Bath kits come with lotions and soaps in all shapes and consistencies. They can be decorative or useful, but it’s still a pretty impersonal gift.

Spa baskets may seem like a good gift idea, but who actually uses all of the stuff that comes in these kits?

Besides, personal hygiene products are just that – personal. What if they don’t like bar soap or the color you picked out?

Sure hope grandma likes purple! And who actually uses all of that stuff?

Because your husband really wants deodorant for Xmas. Are you trying to tell him something?

Read This:  10 Cool Gifts for Mom that You've Never Thought of

7. Body Spray

One of the most thoughtless gifts is also one of the most popular. We are talking about body spray or cologne.

And while your tween daughter who is finally allowed to use cosmetics may be thrilled to get this type of gift, you will probably not impress anyone else over the age of 15.

Scents are very personal and cheap body spray is not.  If you are going to get this as a gift for someone, make sure it’s something they asked for.

Body spray is a boring christmas gift

I would have been thrilled to get this when I was 12.

Show the man in your life how much he stinks.

Thoughtless gifts?  But it’s the thought that counts.

You may think these are great gifts and you probably want to punch me right now. Before you yell at me, please realize this post is tongue-in-cheek.

In all seriousness, we should always be grateful for what we get. Some people don’t even get presents at all.

But rather than spend your hard-earned money on boring, basic gifts like these, a little bit of effort can go a long way.

Even if you don’t know the recipient very well, you can always ask around. What are their hobbies? What is their favorite color? At least then, you stand a chance.

And if you are still truly clueless, a gift card (while also incredibly thoughtless) will usually work in a pinch.

Unless it’s for someone you don’t really like. Then you can just get them this “crappy” gift…

A toilet mug is a crappy gift.

Even if they don’t drink their fancy TEA in this MUG, it can double as a CANDY dish. Now you just combined 3 thoughtless gifts all in one!

Read This:  Awesome Wacky Weird Gifts for Quirky People

What’s the most impersonal gift you can think of? What was the crappiest gift you ever got?

Leave me a comment and let me know!

7 Crappy Christmas Gifts that Nobody Really Wants


  • Krysten (@WeirdGirlBlog) November 24, 2019 at 4:28 am

    I actually love receiving candles, although when it’s a candle that smells like food I’m less likely to like it. Thanks so much for sharing this with us!

  • My Haute Talk November 24, 2019 at 8:40 am

    These are great ideas that won’t break the bank. Love it.

  • Erin November 24, 2019 at 9:58 am

    Haha this article gave me a laugh. I agree with most of the items you named except candles. I love receiving candles!

  • Emman Damian November 24, 2019 at 1:57 pm

    Super funny article! I always get mugs or candles. I can totally relate! They are nice though!

  • Renata Feyen (@seadbeady) November 24, 2019 at 4:12 pm

    haha I love the way you made your blog – I actually wouldn’t mind getting a mug cause my collection has diminished in the last years 🙂

  • joy November 24, 2019 at 8:59 pm

    i will always take some tea, godiva and yankee candles! good list of thoughtless gifts you put together.

    Joy at http://www.thejoyousliving.com

  • Mahmudul November 24, 2019 at 9:06 pm

    Love this blog… funny. all are good gift ideas…

  • Kristine Nicole Alessandra November 24, 2019 at 11:39 pm

    I actually like receiving these gifts except for the bath essentials and body spray because I am very particular with the products I get for bath and body spray. I would love to get that cup that looks like a toilet seat. Haha. I can only imagine my husband’s face when I give him his morning coffee in a cup like that!

  • shophub (@shophub1) November 25, 2019 at 2:28 am

    Mugs and bath products are really awesome!These thoughtless gifts are really surprising.Thanks!

  • Lukas November 25, 2019 at 2:47 am

    Haha, that´s definitely on of the most important lists reagrding christmas presents 😉

  • Ntensibe Edgar Michael November 25, 2019 at 4:39 am

    Well, my most impersonal gift would be scented candles. There is a flair they add unto things. Hhhmmm….about creepy gifts, I don’t think I have received any yet of this nature.

  • Angelica Sereda November 25, 2019 at 5:46 am

    Hilarious, probably because its so true! These are the most cliche Christmas gifts. I’ll make sure nobody gets any of these from me this year.

  • Play2WinApps November 25, 2019 at 10:48 am

    thoughtless but yet meaningful! you cant go wrong with these gift ideas

  • kidneyfornikki November 25, 2019 at 1:33 pm

    I like giving spa gifts — they may not use them but there’s NO chance they will if they don’t have them, right? If you give me some great choolate –high-level chocolate — I can get over the fact that I am supposed to be losing those 5 pounds! LOL

  • Beauty with Lala (@Pink_Frenzy) November 25, 2019 at 3:28 pm

    I want some of these in your list 🙂 I love chocolate, its always a good idea x


  • TweenselMom (@TweenselMom) November 25, 2019 at 4:09 pm

    thoughtless gifts, witty 🙂 but come to think of it, it looked like you’ve actually thought about them.

    • Melanie November 25, 2019 at 4:22 pm

      Hahaha! Although it wasn’t too hard because I usually get one of them every year. 🤣

  • stmarthaslens November 25, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    Yes! Yes! Yes! Through I try to always be grateful, because it’s the thought that counts, I do often wonder how much further they thought than… “I should get her a gift.”

    • Melanie November 25, 2019 at 7:36 pm

      Ahh. Someone who gets it!

  • autumn November 25, 2019 at 9:17 pm

    Ha! I love your suggestions of gifts that typically people don’t really want and you kick it up a knotch with some cool and unique finds.

    • Melanie November 25, 2019 at 9:20 pm

      Aww thanks! I’m glad you appreciate that 😀

  • Natasha Romero Salas November 25, 2019 at 10:44 pm

    Hahah this is so true! These are such basic gifts. I tend to get so many of the same type of presents… I like chocolates, but not when I get them from everyone ahaha.

  • WritesandBlogs November 26, 2019 at 6:02 am

    Thats hilarious. I loved the funny way you wrote the article. Candles I had received a lot really. Mugs are ok for me, I love them. You wrote the blog really well. A different one than the regular ones.

  • Samar November 26, 2019 at 6:52 am

    I loved the idea of Body Spray, I am going to try this for this Christmas.

    Thanks for sharing the ideas.

  • Brianna November 26, 2019 at 8:41 pm

    Haha this is so true! I do really like getting candles though but only if it’s a scent I love!

  • remo November 27, 2019 at 1:21 am

    Hahaha I totally agree with these itmes espeiclaly mugs. I am sick of them!

  • Cathy December 18, 2021 at 9:02 pm

    Wanna know what my thoughtless gift from what I thought was a good friend was ??? ….

    2 Right handed oven mitts AND 2 pairs of socks that were 2 sizes too small !!!!

    Everything was rolled up in a ball and stuffed in a box and taped up with a yards worth of scotch tape and then wrapped up with the most nicest wrapping paper all nice and prestine.
    It’s a good thing she just dropped it off and left. I wouldn’t have wanted her to see me cry because everyone else’s girfts from her were beautiful and very well thought out before hand.
    NOT MINE !!!!

    • Melanie December 19, 2021 at 10:47 am

      Aww that stinks. I guess we should be grateful for anything we get though, right? 🙂


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