10 Cool Gifts for Mom, you probably never even thought of

10 Cool Gifts for Mom that You’ve Never Thought of

All moms just want to be appreciated. If it takes a stupid Hallmark holiday like Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day for the family to show mom they care, then I’m all for it! But frugal moms don’t want you to waste your money on a lame mug or stinky bath bombs. Get her something that she will REALLY love and…

How to Update Ugly Oak Cabinets on a Budget

How To Update Ugly Oak Cabinets On A Budget

My hubby and I are so happy to be homeowners again! But the house we moved into is super basic. We’re talking beige laminate counters, flat white walls, and ugly oak cabinets. I seriously hate those cabinets!  But remodeling costs a lot of money, and after purchasing this home, we didn’t have much to spare. We certainly couldn’t afford to…

Why Turning 40 Sucks – by a former hottie

When I was a kid, I couldn’t wait to grow up. In fact, I naively assumed that by the time I turned 40, I would have it all! But the reality is far from what I imagined, and I’m not happy about it. So allow me to share with you the brutal truth about turning 40 so you can have…

Looking for a trip that's morbid, fun, and free? Here's 5 famous US cemeteries that all goths should visit.

5 Famous US Cemeteries All Goths Should Visit

It’s no secret that goths love cemeteries. It allows us to get closer to nature, appreciate history, and reflect on our mortality. If your goth is looking for a trip that’s both morbid, fun, and educational, visiting a cemetery can be an extremely interesting adventure. Before you pack your bags, check out this list of 5 Famous US cemeteries all goths…

Hide facial wrinkles instantly with these 15 easy tricks

15 Tricks to Hide Wrinkles Instantly

I’m a vain, over 40, Generation X mom who refuses to grow up. But even though I may still act like I’m 5-years-old, my face has other plans. While I’m doing my best to fight off wrinkles, crows feet, marionette lines, sun spots, and sagging, I appear to be losing this battle. And if you’ve completely given up, here are…