Browsing Category : Budget Christmas Gifts

White Elephant Gifts That Don’t Suck

Finding White Elephant gifts can be a daunting task. If you don’t know what a white elephant gift is, it’s basically a gift exchange where people try to walk away with the best present. It is also known in other parts of the world as a Yankee Swap (maybe a little politically incorrect, hmm?) and Dirty Santa. **Click on links for shopping info.…

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Can’t Afford Christmas? Being Broke is No Joke!

If buying presents for friends and family stresses you out every year because you can’t afford Christmas, you are not alone. And if you are on a tight budget like me, it can make planning for the holidays extremely challenging. You still have your regular December bills you have to pay but now you have to scrounge up even more money to afford Christmas…

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10 Unisex Christmas Gifts under $25

10 Unisex Christmas Gift Ideas Under $25

10 Unisex Christmas Gift Ideas Under $25 One of my favorite Christmas family traditions is exchanging White Elephant (also known as Dirty Santa) gifts. For this fun game, you usually have a limited budget and have no idea who will be getting your gift. So if you don’t have a clue what to get for your Dirty Santa, here’s a…

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Awesome Wacky Weird Gifts for Quirky People

We all have that ONE friend. The one that’s a little “different”, eccentric – the black sheep. If you have no clue what to buy your favorite freak, check out this list of 15 awesome wacky weird gifts for quirky people. These hilarious gift ideas are sure to bring a smile to their face and yours!  Before you start shopping,…

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7 Thoughtless Gifts Nobody Really Wants for Christmas

Boring & Thoughtless Gifts Nobody Really Wants

Have you ever had to buy a present for someone but have no idea what they like? Whether you are just truly clueless, lazy, or simply passive-aggressive, there’s nothing like a generic gift to show someone how little you care. So before you head to your nearest drug store or gas station on Christmas Eve, here is a handy list…

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