I am a responsible adult. I’m married, work full time, and have a rambunctious little boy. Needless to say, I don’t get much of a chance to relax and unwind. So once a month I like to get dressed up and go out dancing by myself for a few hours. But I don’t go to just any old dance clubs. I love the Goth clubs! In fact, I have been going to Goth Clubs since the mid-90s and have no intention of stopping anytime soon.
And I am going to share with you all of the reasons why I love Goth clubs so much and give you a little peek into this scene that is so near and dear to my heart.
How it all started for me…
When I was a kid growing up in Los Angeles in the 80s, my passion was dancing.
I religiously watched shows like Solid Gold, Dance Fever, and American Bandstand and knew I wanted to be a dancer just like them when I grew up.
But around the time that MTV first aired on cable, there was this one little syndicated show called MV3 (kudos to ANYONE who remembers this little gem) featuring the 80’s alternative DJ Richard Blade.
It featured kids dancing to new wave artists like Flock of Seagulls, Duran Duran, and The Cure. Sort of like a New Wave American Bandstand.

Who remembers MV3? Photo image from IMDB.
I thought the dancers wore the coolest clothes and had the craziest hair colors and styles. I was fascinated by the look and the sounds of pure electronic music and wanted to be like them soo badly!

New Wave music in the 1980s was amazing.
But alas I was 8, and much too young to go to clubs. So I was relegated to watching them on TV and dancing in my room in front of the mirror.
Changing with the times…
Flash forward 10 years to 1992. I was 18 and finally old enough to go to some of the 18+ clubs in Los Angeles. It was like a dream come true.
At the time I was really into heavy metal, but in the ’90s the metal scene was changing and grunge was starting to make its appearance along with a sound I had never heard of before called Industrial Music.
For people who don’t know what Industrial Music is, this is my definition: Angry Techno.
Basically, it’s heavy electronic music with darker lyrics discussing depressing topics like war and death.

Photo credit: Nine Inch Nails Official via VisualHunt.com / CC BY-NC-SA
I remember being at this one club called Bordello in Hollywood, CA where I was introduced to bands like Nirvana, Alice in Chains, and Nine Inch Nails (one of the few Industrial artists to ever hit the mainstream).
But there was this one song that came on that completely changed my life. It was from a band called Ministry and the song was called “Burning Inside“.
This song was so heavy and energetic, and so…angry! I was not an angry kid (ok maybe I was a little), but it just woke something inside my soul.
From that day on, I have been obsessed with Industrial Music and the dark subculture that goes along with it.
And that is when I discovered Goth clubs.
Just what IS a Goth?
To be totally honest, I don’t really consider myself a True Goth. I certainly don’t fit the stereotype.
In fact, I find most typical Goth music totally boring. I have a lot of respect for goth legends like Siouxsie and the Banshees, The Cure, and Sisters of Mercy, but for the most part, that genre of music just doesn’t really “move” me.

Photo credit: Christian Vilar via Visualhunt.com / CC BY-NC-ND
But since so many people don’t know anything about the various Goth subcultures, it’s just easier to classify myself and the clubs I frequent under the general umbrella of “Goth”.
If I had to put myself into a category, I consider myself to be more of a “Rivethead.”
There are so many different types of “Goths” (which I will save for another post) but one thing we all have in common is a love of all things dark – dark music, dark movies, and dark topics.
The truth about Goths
- Fact: Goths are not all devil worshippers.
Goths come in all religions. Some of us are Atheists, Agnostic, Christian, Catholic, Jewish, Wiccan, Pagan, etc. And you know what? As long as it is not pushed on us, nobody in the Goth scene really gives a crap.Goths do not all worship Satan.
- Fact: Goths are not always depressed.
That’s right. Many of us are normal well-adjusted people with full-time jobs and families. Even though some of us may like to dress like we are going to a funeral, it’s more about self-expression. There is one thing that probably does make us depressed, however. Paying bills. - Fact: Goths do not always wear black.
Black IS a common theme among goths, however, some of us like to mix it up with other colors as well. Personally, I love dark jewel tones like burgundy and purple. I’ve even worn red from head to toe. But there are goths who wear pink, silver, and even white! Granted, the girl I saw in white was wearing a wedding dress, but it was still white all the same and it was fabulous!Goths don’t ALWAYS wear black. Photo credit: Danny Sotzny [foto-sotzny.de] via Visual Hunt / CC BY-NC
- Fact: Goths are not violent.
Most goths are inherently peaceful. They enjoy art, architecture, literature, and even comedy. Some of us have a fascination with serial killers and death, but I believe it is more of an intellectual curiosity. Most of us would rather just read or watch movies about these topics than actually do anything about it. We get out our aggression on the dance floor!We love reading and watching TV about serial killers. But that doesn’t make us violent. Photo credit: Dyl86 via VisualHunt.com / CC BY
- Fact: Goth is not always just a phase.
There may be a few goths who “experimented” in high school and grew out of it eventually. For many goths (especially us old-school goths) it is an expression of who we are. I won’t go so far as to sleep in a coffin or decorate my home with black lace and velvet (it’s just not my personal taste), but I do still love my ancient big black combat boots and wear these adorable skull hair clips in my burgundy hair every chance I get.My ancient pair of combat boots. They have been through a lot!
Why Goth Clubs are so cool…
They are NOT mainstream.
Goth clubs are much different from regular night clubs. But most goth clubs play a variety of music like EBM, Industrial, Dark Wave, and Witch House to name a few.
Most songs you will hear at Goth clubs will never be played on the radio – and that’s how we like it!
You will not hear Top 40 music at a goth club. If you want to dance to this type of music, this is not your place.

A typical night at the goth club. Photo credit: Kurt Komoda via Visual Hunt / CC BY-NC-ND
Goth clubs are not meat markets.
People don’t typically go to Goth clubs to get laid. I mean, if you are going there for that purpose and happen to get lucky, then congrats.
But for the most part, Goth clubs are a fairly safe space where a woman can go out by herself and not worry about getting hit on.
I mean, sure it happens, but other Goths usually understand and respect your space. Although I would NEVER suggest leaving your drink unattended. That is just poor judgment.
We like to dance alone and respect each other’s personal space.
This is not the type of club where bumping and grinding is appreciated. Yuck!
Just don’t stand around on the dance floor. That will piss everyone off.

Grinding is not welcome. But neither is standing on the dance floor like this dude. Go find a corner or something! Photo credit: echobase_2000 via Visual Hunt / CC BY-NC-SA
All religions, races, genders (and trans genders) are welcome.
You can wear whatever you want, and nobody will judge you. In fact, the crazier the better!
Well, unless you come in wearing a cowboy hat and spurs – yeah, you will get funny looks.
But even if you do come in wearing a cowboy hat, as long as you are having a good time and not judging anyone else, then YOU will be welcome as well.

All are welcome at the Goth Clubs. Even Furries! We don’t judge.
Goths share a connection.
Goths can be of any age. In fact, I often meet a lot of people my own age or older at the goth clubs. And I think it’s awesome!
Some of the Baby Bats (brand new to the Goth scene), might look down on Old-School Goths (which isn’t very Goth-like, children). But for the most part, I think Elder Goths (like myself) are generally respected.
We are the ones who have been going to the clubs for years. We have helped shape the scene into what it is today.
And we still share the same love, respect, and appreciation of the music scene that brought us all together.
Why I’ll never stop going to Goth Clubs
It would be cool if my husband was into this type of thing, but he is quite anti-social and this just isn’t his bag. We have been together since 1999 and he trusts me (as he should). So I go alone.
And you know what? It’s absolutely liberating!
I don’t have to worry about whether or not my guest is having a good time and I can come and go as I please.
I can dance whenever the mood strikes or I can go outside and mingle with the crowd.
Plus, I don’t have to babysit anyone if they get too drunk. What a bummer that would be.
Plus I have made so many friends this way, I usually always run into someone I know.
But even if I feel a little awkward and don’t have anyone to talk to, I can just chill out by myself and just enjoy the scenery. And if I don’t want to be bothered, I just pull out my phone and Facebook for a bit.
The best part is, nobody looks at me funny. No one cares!

Here I am loving the Goth Clubs over the years with some of my friends.
There is just something so mysterious and beautiful being surrounded by a bunch of freaks who all share this common bond. We go there to dress up, dance to obscure music, and escape our daily lives for just a few hours.
I’m still a responsible adult. I’m still a devoted wife and mother. But for 3 hours a month, I allow myself the freedom to be myself with my people. And this is why I will never stop going to Goth clubs.
Nice article! I have been going to goth clubs since the 80s. I recommend checking out other cities for fun the next time you are on vacation. Cheers!
For sure! They can be a little hard to find, but it’s always on my intinerary. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Great article!
I’m so glad you enjoyed it! 🖤
I love goth club since 1999, i love it! I was looking for a club that i can go by myself and not getting picked-up . I can dressed up without getting judge and the most of all whatever outfit you wear ? As long as I have my combat boots ?, I m on it. Love , love it..
Yasss! Those are all the best parts ☺️
I started out going to Studio K and Cloud 9 in the mid to late 80’s then hanging out at Disneyland with all my goth peeps. In 1992 I sarted going to DDT and Helter Skelter in Little Tokyo and at the Startdust Ballroom. I was a Shadow Project/Christian Death Fan Boy and saw them play at Denny’s and Ipso Facto. I went to a club called the Hellfire club at the Haunted Theatre in Hollywood DJ Jermey Germs and DG Dingbat I beleve were the DJ’s. I can’t find anything about it online today Im trying to find a flyer for my flyer collections.