Browsing Category : Lifestyle

What scares you? You're probably not alone. Here's a list List of top common fears and uncommon phobias you may have never heard of. Does yours make the list?

Top Common Fears & Phobias – What Scares You?

Are you a chicken? Fear is a basic human emotion that we all experience in our lives. Many of us share the same common fears and phobias. But what one person might find terrifying, another might find thrilling – like skydiving, roller coasters, or thunderstorms. But you’re not alone! Or are you… Here is a list of the Top 15…

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Looking for a trip that's morbid, fun, and free? Here's 5 famous US cemeteries that all goths should visit.

5 Famous US Cemeteries All Goths Should Visit

It’s no secret that goths love cemeteries. It allows us to get closer to nature, appreciate history, and reflect on our mortality. If your goth is looking for a trip that’s both morbid, fun, and educational, visiting a cemetery can be an extremely interesting adventure. Before you pack your bags, check out this list of 5 Famous US cemeteries all goths…

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Phoenix vs Los Angeles - Where would YOU rather live?

Phoenix vs Los Angeles – Where Would YOU Live?

Phoenix vs Los Angeles People from Southern California are spoiled. I mean L.A. has everything! The beach, the desert, the mountains, and a bustling city. What more do you need? But when people from L.A. talk about their next-door neighbor Phoenix, AZ there is a little bit of a rivalry going on. Why is that? Culture differences? Jealousy? There’s no denying that…

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I Got a Liquid FaceLift – Was it Worth it?

Ugh! Getting old sucks – especially when you are vain like me. Since I have entered my 40s, my face has started sagging, I’m getting wrinkles, and I feel really blah. Cosmetic surgery is expensive and permanent, so I decided to try the next best thing – a Liquid FaceLift!  And if you are thinking about trying a liquid facelift,…

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Magnifying Makeup Mirrors Suck!

Magnifying makeup mirrors are extremely handy for precise makeup application and personal grooming tasks. But if you don’t already own one and are considering getting one for yourself, you might want to read this first. Why? Because magnifying makeup mirrors suck. 

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How to Land and Nail a Job Interview

With more and more jobs being shipped overseas and human jobs being replaced by robots, the job market is becoming more and more competitive. If you’ve been job hunting but can’t get an interview, you may need a little help. Here are some tips on how to land and nail a job interview – and avoid common job-hunting mistakes Why…

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